Watch what you see and hear

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Your eyes and ears were not meant for evil.  There are a lot of movies and books designed for you that are not good. Sadly, there are a lot of grown-ups who appear to be good but are really bad because they watch and listen to evil. This is a SAFE place for good books, movies, and conversations. If Jesus could not read or watch what you do, then you should not read or watch either.

Did you know that Jesus loves children and that your angels in heaven are giving God, his and our Father, a report on what happens to you?

Do you have your own Children’s Bible?

If you have your Bible, open it and turn to Matthew chapter 18 and read verses 2 through 10.  If you do not have a Bible,  no worries,  just click here.

We all are children of God. The reason Jesus does not want us to watch, read or listen to evil movies, books, music, or games is that those spirits causes bad actions: Witches, wizards, flying monkeys, and brooms, warlocks, ghosts, aliens, magic, fairies, pixies, leprechauns, dream catchers, dragons.


Here are some good movies to watch:

Baby’s First TV

All Veggie Tales. Many can be found on YouTube

Charlotte’s Web

The Pilgrims Progress




Mind of a Child