Do Not Go Beyond The Call

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A compassionate person with a gift of helps (1 Corinthians 12:28 ) can oftentimes go further than the initial commandment, or instruction of the Lord by the Holy Spirit.

Going that extra step to help someone beyond what you were told to do can hurt you!

Carnal minded ‘Christian’ folk do not understand those unlike them: those no longer in the world. Colossians 2:21, 1 John 2:15.

Because of their lack of understanding, Carnal minded ‘Christian’ folk think others behave as they and will spew unfounded words that contradict your true intentions.  


“Bite the hand that feeds you.”

To avoid such pitfalls, once your task is done, so are you.  

You did what God said.  Never mind what people think. 

Ask before you take the next step.