Be Fruitful

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If someone were to walk past your fruit stand what would they find? Fresh ripe produce, or spoiled and rotten.

If you were created by God then you are to bear fruit. Genesis 1:22

Now, some mistake fruit as being the fruits of your labor. Which implies a showcase of tangible results from your work, or entitlement.   The world has a materialistic lens.

Truthfully, the fruit you bear is based on what you are taught to believe.

An act of kindness from some can be a hidden motive for reciprocation. Whereas lovingkindness expects no reward. It is part of their being.

Notice the contrast of words between the world and the Kingdom.

World Kingdom
An act of kindness Lovingkindness


Those still in the world, will produce the ways of the world under the illusion it is “good.”

The fruits of the spirit and righteousness in all goodness and truth for those living in accord with the Holy Spirit are [Galatians 5:22-23]:

  • Peace: Passes understanding while others are frantic, fretting and don’t know what to do. Even with your enemies.
  • Joy: Strength to laugh at the wiles and schemes of the prince of the world. Gladness of heart; not troubled.
  • Meekness: Not vain or puffed up. A know it all.
  • Love: tender, affection, genuine concern.
  • Temperance: self-control on your temper. Not easily angered.
  • Gentleness: Non-offensive. Careful with words.
  • Longsuffering: patience with those who lack understanding
  • Lovingkindness: Doing something “just because.”
  • Faith: Singleness of belief and trust.

If you still say what Y O U can do, or proclaim to others what Y O U bought, then you forfeit God from giving you the desires of your heart above all you can think or ask.

God is abundance; not just enough to get by.

The gifts of God are Evangelistic tools given as tangible evidence in the form of a testimony to tell others to Taste and See the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living allowing His praise to continually be in your mouth.

  • The brand new Audi A6 the Lord gave me years ago, without a job, was continually used to tell others what the Lord had done.

To this date, I forget not His benefits.

A lack of faith coupled with a poverty spirit is looking at how YOU can with YOUR: finances, credit, job, etc.  make justified purchases because you only need just enough, or don’t have to have nice things.

Yet you want nice things because God placed a kingdom desire in your heart, so He can be glorified.

Have Faith and Wait for God to Give abundantly!

If an act(ion) does not proceed from faith, it is sin. Romans 14:23

The Blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow.(along the way because of doing things your way, will require you to pay for some-thing gone wrong.) Proverbs 10:22

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights above, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

Humility is not Poverty.

Is it any wonder why the world looks better than many humble followers of Christ; the King of kings who owns everything.  Are you not a child of the King?  LOOK and ACT LIKE IT! COME ON!

Prosperity is written in the Bible.

Coming out of the materialistic world is merely replaced by better quality to be a Blessing to others.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

Clean your soul from the ways of the world.

Walk in the Kingdom while here in Earth.